Blooming Success: UK Summer and Autumn Planting Calendar (2023)

Unlocking the full potential of your growing garden relies on the precise timing of the following:

  • sowing
  • planting
  • reaping your bountiful fruits, vegetables, and flowers

However, tending to an entire garden can quickly become overwhelming. It’s no easy feat to remember the ideal planting times and locations for each variety and when to harvest them.

That’s exactly why we’ve created this super handy Summer and Autumn Planting Calendar! It’s brimming with all the basic info you need for planting and harvesting from June to December. This guide also includes handy tips to ensure optimal growth and cultivation, so read on.

A variety of ripened and fresh vegetables on a white table
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Indoor and Outdoor Planting

Before jumping into the calendar, here’s a quick overview of indoor and outdoor planting.

Outdoor planting is simple – it’s any planting that you’re doing in your garden outdoors. That may be in a bed, or a pot, or even in an allotment.

Indoor planting is any planting done inside. Now, we’re not talking about planting spuds on your kitchen floor! Indoor planting is simply any planting done indoors. Whether that’s in a container on a windowsill or maybe a dedicated space like a greenhouse or even a potting shed.

BillyOh Planthouse Tongue and Groove Apex Potting Shed in a Green Garden
BillyOh Planthouse Tongue and Groove Apex Potting Shed

Potting sheds

A potting shed is a dedicated growing space that’s half shed, half greenhouse. One-half of the unit contains tall windows that let in natural light and potting benches for produce. The other half can also be used for growing but contains useful storage space too.

If you need storage space in your garden but think a greenhouse might be a snazzy idea, it’s your best bet!

Now, onto the planting calendar!

Tomatoes on the vine ripening in the sun
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We’re starting off in June, the equinox of the year, and the month Spring ends and Summer really begins. With an abundance of sunshine and warm temperatures, June is the perfect time to grow and plant. Even though most of your planting may have already been done, there’s always more you can find!

Whatever you plant will grow quickly in these ideal conditions. This means that, for the avid gardeners amongst us, you can get some serious planting done. Whatever kind of garden you’re keeping, there’s lots to plant and grow.

June calendar and tips

JunePlant or Sow Indoors:Plant or Sow Outdoors:
Flowers:N/ACalendula, Candytuft, Nigella, Nasturiums, Sunflowers, Hollyhocks, Alstroemeria, Achillea, Coreopsis, Erigeron, Arabis
Fruit and Vegetables:PumpkinsClimbing Bean, Dwarf Bean, Runner Bean, Pak Choi, Carrot, Chard, Cucumber, Kohl Rabi, Lettuce, Pea, Swede

From June, you can harvest:

  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Gooseberries

Sunflowers: It isn’t too late to plant sunflowers! Grow in a pot in a place that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight and water regularly for best results.

Achillea: Sow Achillea seeds now, so they’re ready for winter. Sow on the surface of trays filled with compost. Cover with vermiculite and polythene to increase the chances of germination. Prior to germination (1 week), keep them between 15 and 20°.

Strawberries: A summer classic, you can start harvesting Strawberries from June onwards.

Gooseberries: When harvesting gooseberries, pick only alternate berries. This will make next month’s crop sweeter and larger.

Courgettes growing on the vine in an arched construct
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The height of summer, July is yet another month of perfect growing conditions with lots of sunshine and warmth (if the British weather holds out, that is!).

This is a great time to plant fast-maturing vegetables, which will be as you come towards autumn. Many vegetables will now be ripening and will be ready to harvest – but that doesn’t mean there’s no planting to be done!

July calendar and tips

JulyPlant or Sow Indoors:Plant or Sow Outdoors:
Flowers:N/AFoxgloves, Forget-me-nots, Summer Bedding Flowers, Pansies, Wallflowers such as Lupins, Delpihiums, Bellis and Aquilegias.
Fruit and Vegetables:N/ABeetroot, Radishes, Rocket, Swedes, Turnip.

From July, you can harvest:

  • Artichoke
  • Broad Beans and other bean varieties
  • Chard
  • Courgette
  • Cucumber
  • Kohl Rabi
  • Marrow
  • Pak Choi
  • Pepper
  • Spring Onion
  • Squash

Foxgloves: You can sow foxgloves in late July. Press gently into compost to sow. Water lightly after sowing and allow the pot to drain. Separate plants after germination.

Beetroot: Beetroots are perfectly planted directly into the soil or into containers. Their sweet flavour is best when the vegetable is small, so don’t be afraid to harvest early.

Radish: As with beetroot, this is a vegetable which grows quickly and is best suited for early harvest. You can plant Radishes continuously and often throughout the summer.

Green leafy lettuce growing in the ground during summer
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The soaring temperatures of the high-summer August days mean great growing conditions continue. But it also means harvest – not just for the farmers, but for you too!

The great varieties and produce you’ve been growing throughout summer will likely be harvested in August, if not before. But that doesn’t mean there’s no planting to be done – you can start getting the garden ready for autumnal growing.

August calendar and tips

AugustPlant or Sow Indoors:Plant or Sow Outdoors:
Flowers:ColeusLarkspur, Poppies, Cornflowers, Feverfew, Potentilla, Winter Flowering Bedding such as Winter Pansies, Violas and Primroses.
Fruit and Vegetables:N/AParsley, Spring Cabbage, Spring Onions Strawberries.

From August, you can harvest the following:

  • Aubergine
  • Celeriac
  • Celery
  • Onion
  • Potatoes
  • Shallots
  • Sweetcorn – as well as anything you’ve not harvested from previous months

Coleus: Use potting mix and press seeds into the top of the soil without covering. Cover with plastic and place on a warm windowsill (21-23°) in view of sunlight. 

California Poppies: Plant and forget, as these poppies prefer to be neglected. They’ll produce bright but short-lived blooms.

Feverfew: Sow outdoors into prepared seed beds for best results.

Sweetcorn: Harvest sweetcorn from now until October. When they begin to ripen, protect against birds using netting.

Bright, warm sunset in a field
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September marks the end of summer and the beginning of Autumn. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t be reaping the rewards from the sun, however. There’s still lots of harvesting and planting to do throughout the month.

September calendar and tips

SeptemberPlant or Sow Indoors:Plant or Sow Outdoors:
Flowers:N/AWildflowers, Calendula, Nigella, Poppies
Fruit and Vegetables:N/ABlackberries, Winter Salad Leaves, Radish, Spring Onion, Spinach

From September, you can harvest any summer-planted or summer-ripening fruit or vegetable.

Blackberries: Foraging and picking blackberries is a feature of the autumn season. Yet, it’s also a good time to start growing them. You can grow thornless cultivars in your garden, which should grow and ripen quickly.

Chard: Chard will grow better throughout September and into October.

Wildflowers: Hardy, native wildflowers can be sown directly into the ground in September. They will flower in early spring, waiting for the frost to help their germination process.

A pile of brown autumn leaves lying on the ground
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Bronze leaves falling from trees, crisp frosts across the morning grass. Autumn will be fully here by now. October is the time for the final harvest, alongside planting flowers and veg for next year.

You’ll be harvesting fruits like apples and pears around this time. And, if you’ve been growing them, pumpkins will be ready at this time of year too.

October Calendar and tips

OctoberPlant or Sow Indoors:Plant or Sow Outdoors:
Flowers:N/AOxalis, Aquilegia, Phacelia, Cowslips, Clematis
Fruit and Vegetables:Lettuce, MushroomsBroad Bean, Peas, Asparagus, Garlic, Rhubarb

From October, you can harvest:

  • Apples
  • Pumpkins
  • Squash

Oxalis: Always plant in dry soil. It can be planted in soil but will need protection in the cold.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms are most easily grown from a growing kit. If not using a kit, follow instructions for growing specific types of mushrooms. Grow in a dark place until the fungus appears, then provide partial sunlight.

Pumpkins and squash: These will both need to be harvested before the first frost. Keep an eye on the weather to avoid spoiling them.

A large lettuce or cabbage covered in morning frost
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Autumn will now be drawing to a close. With it comes an end to the moist and (relatively) warm growing conditions of this season. Most planting will be concentrated on preparing a good spring and summer harvest. Also, planting during this time will be fairly limited.

There’s a small amount of harvesting to be done, but you can turn your attention to planting for next year.

November calendar and tips

NovemberPlant or Sow Indoors:Plant or Sow Outdoors:
Flowers:NemesiaBare-root Roses, Sea Holly, Bugle, Spring Bulbs
Fruit and Vegetables:HerbsBare-root Fruit Trees such as Pears, Raspberries, Blueberries

From November, you can harvest:

  • Brussel sprouts
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • Leeks

Herbs: Now is a great time to start growing next year’s herbs. Get them going inside so they’re ready for next year.

Nemesia: Plant in rich soil with good drainage. It grows well in cool temperatures and can be grown in a pot or garden.

Asparagus crown: Plant wide and deep holes with fertiliser sprinkled in. Spread the crowns out centrally within this hole. Cover and gently firm, then water well.

Bare-root varieties: November and late autumn is the perfect time to get them into the ground. Trees enjoy the dark and cold conditions of the coming winter. It’s a good idea to get them in early to make the best use of the season.

A snow covered field dotted with trees on a crisp winter morning
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This is winter through and through. The cool temperatures and cold, hard ground do limit the amount of planting and growing that is able to be done. But limits are made to be broken. For those most courageous of gardeners, there is certainly some work to be done.

December calendar and tips

DecemberPlant or Sow Indoors:Plant or Sow Outdoors:
Flowers:Laurentia, SnapdragonCyclamen, Sweet Peas
Fruit and Vegetables:N/AN/A

From December, you can harvest:

  • Kale
  • Winter herbs

Cyclamen: Growing this in winter is easy enough, but Cyclamen does need sunlight. Plant indoors at a depth of 3-5cm. Plant too deep, and they won’t flower.

Winter herbs: Herbs such as sage, rosemary, thyme, bay, and parsley will be able to keep ahold of their leaves all throughout winter. Harvest them throughout.

Plots of healthuly-growing vegetables and leaves in a garden bed
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Planting With Precision

Plants being planted in the garden

(Image Credit: Wallpaper Flare)

Tips for sticking to a planting calendar and creating planting spaces:

Tip #1: Prioritise organisation

Create a dedicated gardening journal or spreadsheet to record your planting calendar. Include specific dates, plant varieties, planting locations, and any additional notes or reminders.

Tip #2: Set reminders

Utilise digital calendars or gardening apps to set reminders for important planting dates. This will help you stay on track and ensure you don’t miss crucial planting windows.

Tip #3: Plan for succession planting

Take advantage of the full growing season by staggering your plantings. This means planting in multiple rounds for a continuous harvest throughout the season. Refer to your planting calendar to schedule successive plantings accordingly.

Tip #4: Consider crop rotation

Crop rotation small garden

(Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Do this each year to maintain soil health and prevent the buildup of pests and diseases. Use your planting calendar to map out crop rotation plans. Also, ensure that plants from the same family are not planted in the same space consecutively.

Tip #5: Optimise space utilisation

Vegetable garden

(Image Credit: Pxfuel)

Different crops have varying space requirements. Determine the ideal spacing for each plant based on:

  • its growth habits
  • recommended plant-to-plant distances
  • any trellising or support structures needed

Plan your planting spaces accordingly. Maximise the use of available space while allowing plants to thrive!

Tip #6: Companion planting

Companion planting

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Explore companion planting techniques to enhance the health and productivity of your garden. Companion plants can deter pests, attract beneficial insects, and provide shade. Identify suitable companion plants and plan their placement accordingly.

Tip #7: Consider microclimates

Your garden may have areas with slightly different microclimates. These include sunnier or shadier spots, variations in soil moisture, or wind exposure. Take note of these microclimates and tailor your planting choices accordingly. Refer to your planting calendar for guidance on which crops thrive in various microclimates.

Tip #8: Stay flexible

Weather and environmental conditions can vary from year to year. Be prepared to adapt and make adjustments based on the specific conditions in your area. Use your planting calendar as a guideline. But you’ll want to remain flexible to optimise your garden’s success.

Tip #9: Regularly review and update

Continuously assess and update your planting calendar based on your observations and experiences. Make note of successes and challenges each season. Then, incorporate these insights into future planting plans.

Tip #10: Enjoy the process

A gardener tending the blooms

(Image Credit: Flickr)

Gardening is a journey of growth and learning. Embrace the joy of planting and nurturing your crops. Appreciate the satisfaction of enjoying the fruits of your labour. Let your planting calendar be a guide, but don’t forget to savour the experience along the way!

Time to Get Started!

With this detailed planting guide, you’ll be able to easily navigate the bountiful yet-tricky months from June to December. This section of the year goes all the way from bright sun and harvests all the way to the depths of winter. If you want to complete the rest of the year, then check out our Winter to Spring calendar here.

On top of this, remember that you can grow easily and with no fuss in a fantastic Potting Shed! Click the link or check it out using the bottom below. Happy Planting!

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